Thursday, January 14, 2010


we are back from iowa city. I hated the whole testing crap.. but i made it and got thur it all.. they do not want me to drive anymore. and mom and me have a meeting on friday with the dr to explain the testing results.
Landon came with us and it was fun. well the ride down sucked, i thought we were going to was blowing snow and cold and we were bucking drifts in mom's little pt. crusier. it was horriable and than we made it Boone on thursday and than to iowa city for the appointment..
Christmas was great with DJ here. I miss her.
Mom is worried as always and dad is withdrawn. Mikey is being mikey and doing what ever he wants... i think mom and dad are are lost with him.
the boys are doing good... they are funny. but i get tired of them sometimes. they are so loud and noisey.