So I received a phone call today.. From beautiful person named Judy. She and her husband Scoot are donating the drinks for Kate's Benefit. I cried.. Because this women as dealt with some pain... Thank you so much for u r love and prayers Judy and Scott D.
God is working in so many ways thru this..i see it everyday..
On another note. I am still researching where the monies are going for the HDUS ... Landon still has his money from the last fund raiser yet and I am waiting to see where to send it... well that he raising more for the JHDKIds.. he told out youth pastor that "i have to protect My sissy and all the other kids from JHD" I cried.. I want that faith the faith that will give me the peace that God will take care of it all and that Kate and all the other families will be ok..
God thank you for giving me Landon so I remember it all in your hands..
O God listen to my cry! hear my Prayer. 2 From the ends of the earth I cry to you for help when my heart is overwhlemedlead me to the towering rock of safety for you are my safe refuge