Tuesday, January 31, 2012

hello again

Kate and Baby Mercy ..
 Hello again, I am sorry it has been such a while since we posted.. We have been busy with the "hoop-a-thon" that was put on in Rock Rapids... We had so much fun that day.. Landon turn 7 on Saturdat {Feb 4th} He is super excited to be student of the week and is enjoying the nice weather this week,

Kate eating PICKLES.. her craving..")
 Kate is doing well. We get to see ultrasounds every month and in Jan we found out Kate is having a baby GIRL!!! She is so very excited that she is having a little girl. We are looking to bulid off Kate's room to make a room for the baby..:) Kate has been mantaining her weight and eating very well. She stuggles a bit with mornning sickness but even that is starting to get better.
Mostly We PRAY.. Pray that Kate stay heathly as able and that she keeps her spirits up. We know God is in control. That gives us peace.

Kate's baby Belly..17 weeks!!!
 Kate smile is something we haven't seen much of..Just because she worries about her boyfriend and about us. But over all things are going very good!!
What a wonderful smile to see Kate!!!

Mikey, Kate and Dustin... they were watching the boys shoot hoops
Mike Gabe Cameron and Landon and Shawn at the hoop-a -thon!!
Watching the boys at the hoop a thaon was such a blessing./. and so much fun.. We were able to meet so many people and talking to them and just hugs and prays.. it was WONDERFUL..

Some days i get mad at Huntington's .. So times i get mad at Kate.. But I know it is not Kate.
I try to stay postivite and remeber that God is in control... there are days that is makes it hard. But i keep praying.. and I keep praying.. 

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