So the HDSA collects money from the community in walks and other fundraising events, said that the money goes to research. What little of the money goes to the research part, but now with CHID doing the research... what does the HDSA do for people like us who are in need? When are they going to tell us what they are doing for their "families", the people who are suffering now?
The 7% allocated to research in the 2009-2010 Annual Report from the HS..which means out of every $100 sent to hdsa will only $7 be used for research and the $93 go to other parts.why such a low amount for research? This that not the HDSA purpose. This is what we need for a cure. Also if everyone says they want their full $100 donated going to research will that be done? Won't that then exceed the 7% allocation. What does hdsa do then??
They have lied to the community since 2006 and state that they do give most of the money to research.But their numbers show different!
ANger.. yep .. it is funny how money and loved ones can cause that so easily.. I cant understand why more money is not going in to research??
Tears for the people who we have lost!! and for those who cant see to see it from our view!! tears
my fund raising efforts are for the JHDI and faceless no more...
this their own report.. check out the pie chart :
call them 1-800-345-HDSA (4372)or 212 242 1968
write them
National Office
505 Eighth Avenue, Suite 902
New York, NY 10018
212 242-1968
God- help me to accept the things i can not changer. AND THE COURAGE to change the things I can! amen